Monday, May 23, 2011


First of all, Joshua potty trained about 2 weeks BEFORE his 3rd birthday, so he's been using the potty for about 6 weeks now!  Woo hoo!  No more diapers.

Today I weight Josh and he weighs 33.6 pounds.  I got curious and weighed his big sister, Eden.  She is 18 months older and weight 36.6 pounds.  It will be interesting to see how these two grow and develop over the coming years!

Joshua is a sweet, fun little guy.  He plays a lot with Eden and he enjoys time with Momma and Daddy.  He is a little snuggle bug at night.  Out in public he always wants to be holding a hand.  I feel so blessed to be his mommy!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Joshua!

Today is Joshua's 2nd Birthday! This morning we went to watch big brother Dan's baseball game. Above is a picture of Joshua peeking through the fence to watch the ballgame. I got a new HUGE baby pool for him. We are currently filling it up and letting the water warm. After nap he'll get to play in it. He doesn't know it's out there right now. The weather is beautiful at around 82 degrees, so just right for fun today. I will add more pictures!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Littlest Punkin...

Here is Joshua at almost 18 months. He really enjoyed himself at the pumpkin patch!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Joshua and the Pumpkins

Can I pick these up, Momma?
Here he's looking like a bit of trouble...

Joshua (17 months) with his Mommy. What a cute smile!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

16 months

Here is Mr. Joshua today at 16 months. He is quite a little comedian. He finally learned to walk around 13 1/2 months and he still is a bit pigeon-toed (it's cute) and he also runs like a crazy man. Recently, he has figured out how to open regular door handles, so there's almost nowhere he can't go. We have to watch him like a hawk! Joshua says go, no, yea, mum (his favorite word and I love it!), dog, sest (for Celeste), dad. He understands everything you tell him and he is pretty good, for the most part, about listening to his mommy and daddy. Joshua has a very easy-going temperament and is a fun little guy! We are now expecting his special little sister, Kara Faith, in January 2010. They will be 21 months apart. Joshua is also 18 months younger than his sister, Eden Joy.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Joshua is 11 months

He is ctting 6 teeth right now and off on his bottle intake. Poor baby!